Two Bridges Muay Thai

Two Bridges Muay Thai

4.9 (93 reviews)

40 Ludlow St, New York, NY 10002, USA, New York, NY

About the Gym

Two Bridges Muay Thai is a Muay Thai gym located in New York.

Price varies

Latest Reviews

daniel le2/27/2025

One year officially training at this gym. Coaches are very patient as well as beginner friendly from the day I started. Word of advice for all first timers, make sure you let your instructor and front desk know if its your first time ever training the art as well as your partner who you end up pairing with! Everyone is friendly and will offer advice, including myself if you run into me! Great gym and gym community.

Chai Gregory Gonzalez2/27/2025

Solid Muay Thai school in the LES. All the coaches are super helpful, classes aren't super crowded, and they have a good fight team.